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Local Healthwatch Service
Consultation Survey

Reason for consultation

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) Public Health, currently commission local Healthwatch in Warwickshire. This service is currently provided by Healthwatch Warwickshire. The current service contract is due for renewal and therefore WCC are carrying out a consultation about this service from local people including key partners in health and social care, service users and their families and carers. The consultation period is 17th July – 22nd September 2017.  

This survey provides you with an opportunity to share your views and experiences of the local Healthwatch service and comment on possible future provision. The findings will be used to shape the new service which will be implemented in 2018.  We really value your input to ensure the service meets your needs. 

Healthwatch was launched by the Government in 2013 as part of the Health and Social Care reform in 2012, to ensure people are at the centre of health and social care services. Examples of Health and Social Care services include: GP Practice, Pharmacy, Hospital, Dentist and Residential Care Home. Healthwatch is a mandatory service and exists in two forms, Healthwatch England and local Healthwatch.  

Healthwatch England are the independent consumer champion for health and social care. Their job is to make sure that those who run local health and care services, understand and act on what really matters to people. Local Healthwatch services exist in every local authority area.  In Warwickshire, this service is called Healthwatch Warwickshire. They are independent organisations with seven key functions:

  1. Gather views and experiences of patients and the public
  2. Make these views known, both locally and nationally as appropriate
  3. Promote and support involvement in commissioning of health services and provision of care services
  4. Recommend investigation or special review of services via Healthwatch England or directly to the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  5. Provide advice and information about access to services and support for making informed choices
  6. Make known the views and experiences of people to other local Healthwatch organisations and Healthwatch England and provide a steer to help it carry out its role as a national champion
  7. Access and refer customers to NHS Complaints Advocacy Services

Warwickshire County Council Privacy Statement
The information/data collected by this survey will be kept strictly confidential and shared only with Warwickshire County Council staff responsible for analysis of the data and those responsible for the commissioning of the local Healthwatch service. All data will be stored securely and erased within four years.

All comments, feedback and information we receive will be used to inform how future local Healthwatch services are delivered. You will not, in any way, be identifiable in the survey analysis from your responses and any comments will be anonymous. The findings from the consultation will be presented to Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet, for their approval to commence a tender process for these services.

Please do not provide any additional correspondence to our surveys as personal information, may be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential, including your contact details, please tell us why, but be aware that, under the Freedom of Information Act, we cannot always guarantee confidentiality.

For further information see or contact our Customer Service Centre on 01926 410410.